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Lineup Help

Lineup Help


Our Lineup Help provides the user with help in finding the best formation, for your youth games. If you have Hattrick Supporter you can transmit the Lineup you select directly to Hattrick. For users who do not have Hattrick Supporter, we have made it possible to copy&paste the Lineup into Hattrick.


The basics of Lineup Help.

  • 1 - Here you can select the game for which you want to set your formation. You can then transmit it directly to Hattrick (Hattrick Supporter required).
  • 2 - The expected stars. Please note that if a player has not played in a position before then no stars are available and can therefore not be included in the calculation for the overall expected stars.
  • 3 - Here is where you can load a Lineup from Hattrick or delete all your players from the set Lineup, so you can use our Lineup Help or load one of your own Saved line-up at Hattrick.
  • 4 - Here is where you can add which type of training you want to use. It is then shown how the chosen training affects each player. More about this in points 7 - 11.
  • 5 - Here is where you can transmit your Lineup directly to Hattrick (Hattrick Supporter only)or if you are not a supporter, it is where you can view the code for transferring the Lineup. Further information can be found here.
  • 6 - Here you can save your chosen Lineup or delete a saved Lineup (You need to select a saved Lineup, before you can delete it).
  • 7 - This shows the effectiveness of the training, in a percentage, that the player will receive dependent upon the skills chosen to train. The top number is relative to primary and the bottom number to secondary. The percentage shown is the actual amount of training received. For instance, the percentage received for Through Passing will not be as good as for Short Passing.
  • 8 - This shows the effectiveness of the training if you plan to put a player into the empty position, shown in a percentage, that the player will receive dependent upon the skills chosen to train. The top number is relative to primary and the bottom number to secondary. The percentage shown is the actual amount of training received. For instance, the percentage received for Through Passing will not be as good as for Short Passing.
  • 9 - Click on the 'red X' to remove a player from a position.
  • 10 - If the 'box' is red the the skill is fully trained.
  • 10a - If the box is orange, this shows that it is possible that a player's skill level (current or potential) can be uncovered.
  • 11 - If the box has a line through it, tis shows that the player is maxed out and will not profit form training in the skill chosen.
  • 12 - Underneath the 'playing field' are listed the available players (those not already in the line-up or on the bench).
  • 13 - You can also set the Tactics and Attitude.
  • 14 - You can also set which players will sit on the bench.

Player set-up/Lineup changes

To move a player into a position or to change a player to another position you just need to Drag'n'Drop. If a player is already in that position then the two players will just do a position-swap.
Alternatively you can just click on the player you want to move and then click on the position where you want him to be. Which is especially useful when trying to do this whilst using your mobile phone or a touch-pad.

Load a Lineup...

In this section you can download a Lineup from Hattrick or delete all the players from one.

Standard Lineup

Here is where you can store a standard Lineup, within Hattrick Youhclub.

stored Lineup in Hattrick

The Lineup selected at the top (Item 1) will download automatically at every new page request. You can even load the lineup stored at HT using the dropdown menu (Item 3) at a later stage.


If you select (empty) from the Drop-Down-Menu (Item 3) then the complete Lineup, on the 'playing field', is deleted.

Lineup Help

The Lineup Help is to try and support you in setting the optimal Lineup, for your youth games.
You can use the Lineup suggested by us or set the positions of your players yourself.

To determine the Lineup, using the Lineup suggestion, highlight all the positions that you want to revive a suggestion for. If you highlight a position that is already occupied by a player, the player will be automatically removed and replaced by the 'optimal' player. Players that are already positioned, in an un-highlighted position, are considered as set and will not be affected by the Lineup suggestion. to make the suggestions click on 'Calculate:…..« in the top right-hand corner.

Remember! Players that are already positioned, in an un-highlighted position, are considered as set and that any Lineup has a maximum of 11 players.

Maximum stars

We suggest the best Lineup taking into account the star ratings for each player. Bear in mind, we can only take into account the known stars (and the suggested Lineup is based on these values).
How this is done is shown above.

Test Position

We suggest a Lineup based upon finding out new stars for your players. We use what we know about the player's current skill and which positions they have already played in. We position the players in such a way as to try and get new star rating,s that then help you deduce what the player's unknown skills are. For example: you have a player where you know his Playmaking skill-level and he has already played once as a central defender. So then we would suggest either as forward, winger or wing-back. The highest priority would be to test him as a forward. Whether we actually recommend the player as a forward or not, depends upon the rest of your players, in your squad. How this is done is shown above.

Saved line-up at Hattrick

Under the drop-down menu «Saved line-up at Hattrick» you can find pre-set line-ups. So that you can save League or Friendly line-ups and re-call them at a later date.

Submit Lineup to Hattrick

You can transmit the generated lineup to Hattrick, with it being a lot easier for Hattick supporters than it is for non-supporters

We can't transmit the training type to Hattrick. If it is to change from the previous game then you will HAVE to set it manually in Hattrick. Any saved substitutions/orders etc. are also lost once the lineup is transmitted to Hattrick and will have to be set again

... for Hattrick Supporter

Once you have finished setting your Lineup, you can forward it to Hattrick with one simple click, using the button in the top right-hand corner (Item 5).

... for Non-Supporter

Even if you do not have Hattrick supporter, we still ofer yu the option to transfer your Lineup to Hattrick. You just need to clcik on the same button, in the top right-hand corner «Copy line-up to Hattrick» (Item 5) and then copy the code that is provided. Now you need to switch over to Hattrick and navigate to the lineup page, of the game that you want to set the lineup for and then follow the instructions on how to insert the code. There are different instructions depending on which browser you are using.

What our Lineup helper can't do

Our Lineup Helper should be a great help but it can't do everything. Currently the following settings are not sent to Hattrick….

  • Substitutions/ positional changes/ changes in behavior and penalty takers can't be set using lineup help. Any changes made to any of these settings will be lost once a lineup is sent to Hattrick and will have to be set again.
  • The training type MUST be set in Hattrick.

en/hy/lineup_recommendation.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/04 06:29 by Mackshot