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Current Skill Estimate


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en:hy:skill_estimation [2013/01/20 15:54] Mackshoten:hy:skill_estimation [2017/09/10 09:56] (current) – old revision restored (2014/08/31 13:26) Mackshot
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 ===== What is it? ===== ===== What is it? =====
-It can take some time until the trainer has revealed all the relevant skills and so we can help you by estimating, in advance, player's current skill levels.+It can take some time until the trainer has revealed all the relevant skills and so we can help you by estimating, in advance, player's current skill levels.
 {{ :estimation-1.png?650|estimation}} In the example shown, on this page, the Playmaking skill is already known and then by playing the player as a forward and producing a star rating, we can then estimate the current skill in Wing, Passing and Scoring. In this example, we can't estimate goalkeeper or defence skills because the star ratings are too old. {{ :estimation-1.png?650|estimation}} In the example shown, on this page, the Playmaking skill is already known and then by playing the player as a forward and producing a star rating, we can then estimate the current skill in Wing, Passing and Scoring. In this example, we can't estimate goalkeeper or defence skills because the star ratings are too old.
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 ===== How does this work? ===== ===== How does this work? =====
-The calculation is very complex and hard to explain because it takes into many different aspects of both your player and others. However, we feel it is a very good estimate and therefore explain what will help your chances to predict what skills you need to train etc.+The calculation is very complex and hard to explain because it takes into account many different aspects of both your player and others. However, we feel it is a very good estimate and therefore explain what will help your chances to predict what skills you need to train etc.
 When we calculate the skills for a player we look at which positions he has played in the last 14 days. We then compare his star ratings with other players, who have played in the same position in the last 14 days and where we already know the skills. We look at as many similar players as possible to calculate the current skill level, of your player. Only players that are nearly identical are used for the calculation and so the estimate should be within half a level. If we can't predict a skill to this accuracy then we will not show it.  When we calculate the skills for a player we look at which positions he has played in the last 14 days. We then compare his star ratings with other players, who have played in the same position in the last 14 days and where we already know the skills. We look at as many similar players as possible to calculate the current skill level, of your player. Only players that are nearly identical are used for the calculation and so the estimate should be within half a level. If we can't predict a skill to this accuracy then we will not show it. 
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 ===== Current skill estimate - what is the difference between estimate and the prognosis? ===== ===== Current skill estimate - what is the difference between estimate and the prognosis? =====
 Maybe you are asking yourself why you need this actual skill estimate, when there is already a skill prognosis section. This is because this new actual-skill predictor is far more accurate. The new calculator takes far more positions and skills into account, whereas the prognosis calculator uses only a single position and does not take the skill development of the players into account. Maybe you are asking yourself why you need this actual skill estimate, when there is already a skill prognosis section. This is because this new actual-skill predictor is far more accurate. The new calculator takes far more positions and skills into account, whereas the prognosis calculator uses only a single position and does not take the skill development of the players into account.
 +<note tip>For the Manual click [[manual|here]]!</note>
en/hy/skill_estimation.1358693671.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/01/20 15:54 by Mackshot