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On the 'Scout' page you have to enter your scouts - this is necessary if you want to enter your players. If you always keep the scout-page up-to-date then you have the advantage that your finance summary is also always up-to-date. To add a new scout just click on the insert-icon in a column where no scout has been entered yet.
When adding a new scout, it is necessary that you enter his name, the region and the date that you hired him.
Editing already inserted scouts:
For a scout that is already active you will find two “edit-buttons”: . With the edit-button, next to the name of the scout, you can edit the name of the scout or indicate when the scout was fired. With the edit-button next to the region, you can edit the region where the scout is active. You should only do this if you want to correct erroneous entries. When your scout has switched regions you have to click on the insert-icon
. With a region switch you have to indicate when it took place and insert the costs, if any.
In the last column (next to the date the scout was hired)
you can you can specify that you fired the scout and when you did so.
With a click on the name of a scout, you can see all the regions in which he has been used so far.