hattrick youthclub
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Previously Rejected Players

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Previously Rejected Players

If Hattrick Youthclub thinks one of your players has previously been scouted and rejected, by another team, then the 'hand' icon - Von wem wurde der Spieler zuvor gescoutet will appear next to his name; on both your squad overview page and on his 'Details' page.
Clicking the icon will reveal the one, or possibly more, team(s) that could have rejected your player, before your scout found him for you. To confirm which team(s) actually did reject your player you will have to check your players 'Memorable Moments', on Hattrick. If the clubs listed on Hattrick Youthclub are indeed in your player's 'Memorable Moments' list then you can mark them and the scout report that the previous team received, for your player, will be revealed. With a bit of luck the report will contain new information about your player's skills.

This obviously only works if everyone adds their own rejected player's scout-reports, into the system. The more scout reports added, the bigger the chance of finding a match - so please add all your rejected player's scout-reports.!
Rejected Players!
en/hy/player_rejects.1358694192.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/01/20 16:03 by Mackshot