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Player Attributes


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en:hy:player_details [2014/08/31 14:00] Mackshoten:hy:player_details [2024/01/30 15:06] (current) Mackshot
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 ====== Player Attributes ====== ====== Player Attributes ======
-In addition to the information shown on a player's page, each player's current skills are also shown. The current development of the player is calculated, based on the chosen training and the minutes played.\\ 
 {{:player_details.jpg?500 |Screenshot}} {{:player_details.jpg?500 |Screenshot}}
 +In addition to the information shown on a player's page, each player's current skills are also shown. The current development of the player is calculated, based on the chosen training and the minutes played.\\
   * Coach and scout comments are also displayed on this page (with their meaning, if necessary), as well as any attributes that have been commented on, such as leadership qualities or specialty. Performance comments are also listed here. If a player is fully trained, then the lock icon by that skill turns yellow {{:closed.gif|Schloss}} and the background cell turns red!\\   * Coach and scout comments are also displayed on this page (with their meaning, if necessary), as well as any attributes that have been commented on, such as leadership qualities or specialty. Performance comments are also listed here. If a player is fully trained, then the lock icon by that skill turns yellow {{:closed.gif|Schloss}} and the background cell turns red!\\
   * If the coach has given a hint about the type of training that would be suitable for a player, then this is indicated by an exclamation mark {{:exclamation.gif|Trainingstipp}}. Remember, however, this does not necessarily mean that the player can achieve a high level in this skill,only that he has a lot  of potential to train and there may be other skills in which he is actually better!   * If the coach has given a hint about the type of training that would be suitable for a player, then this is indicated by an exclamation mark {{:exclamation.gif|Trainingstipp}}. Remember, however, this does not necessarily mean that the player can achieve a high level in this skill,only that he has a lot  of potential to train and there may be other skills in which he is actually better!
-  * {{:twin.png|}} - This player has a twin player. This twin player provides you additionally information about yours player skills (they are highlighted, when you mark this player as a twin of your player). **For more information read [[player_twins|here]]!** 
 <note tip>Training Tip from the coach - this simply means that the player can learn the most in this skill (the comment is based upon the **difference** between current skill and potential skill). For instance - it may mean that he can improve from disastrous to weak, in the skill mentioned but the player has another skill or skills where he is currently weak but can get to passable in those.</note>\\ <note tip>Training Tip from the coach - this simply means that the player can learn the most in this skill (the comment is based upon the **difference** between current skill and potential skill). For instance - it may mean that he can improve from disastrous to weak, in the skill mentioned but the player has another skill or skills where he is currently weak but can get to passable in those.</note>\\
 For each skill, the number of minutes that a player has trained in that skill is shown. The overall number of minutes trained is shown, as well as the minutes trained since the last skill-up, in that particular skill! For each skill, the number of minutes that a player has trained in that skill is shown. The overall number of minutes trained is shown, as well as the minutes trained since the last skill-up, in that particular skill!
en/hy/player_details.1409486430.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/08/31 14:00 by Mackshot