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en:hy:lineup_recommendation [2014/08/31 13:26] Mackshoten:hy:lineup_recommendation [2023/03/04 06:29] (current) – old revision restored (2018/07/27 22:12) Mackshot
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   * Substitutions/ positional changes/ changes in behavior and penalty takers can't be set using lineup help. Any changes made to any of these settings will be lost once a lineup is sent to Hattrick and will have to be set again.   * Substitutions/ positional changes/ changes in behavior and penalty takers can't be set using lineup help. Any changes made to any of these settings will be lost once a lineup is sent to Hattrick and will have to be set again.
   * The training type MUST be set in Hattrick.   * The training type MUST be set in Hattrick.
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-<note tip>For the Manual click [[manual|here]]!</note>+\\
en/hy/lineup_recommendation.1409484411.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/08/31 13:26 by Mackshot