hattrick youthclub


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en:hy:faq [2024/01/22 06:50] – [2.6 Can I disable the automatic synchronization?] Mackshoten:hy:faq [2024/01/22 06:50] (current) – [2.7 I cannot finish the dialog because saving fails] Mackshot
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 <note tip>We really recommend to use the automatic sync, because this is the only way to ensure that everything is updated correctly.</note> <note tip>We really recommend to use the automatic sync, because this is the only way to ensure that everything is updated correctly.</note>
-==== - I cannot finish the dialog because saving fails ====+==== - I cannot finish the post sync dialog because saving fails ====
 If you cannot finish the post sync dialog here are some advises: If you cannot finish the post sync dialog here are some advises:
en/hy/faq.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/22 06:50 by Mackshot