Table of Contents


We can fetch the current (region) information of your active scouts via CHPP. By clicking on a scout's name, you can get a list of all regions where the scout has scouted for players. There you can also edit the regions, can add or edit a region switch, and edit the firing date for the scouts.

Editing scouts and their regions

A region switch is detected during a sync, so use the sync to insert a region switch and do not use edit the (old) region.
By clicking on the edit-button edit you can adjust the region and the region switching costs, which might have accured, but please keep in mind, that you should edit only old regions to get rid of errors.
If there is a former region switche which is not listed in HY then you can insert it manually by clicking on the add-button add and entering the date, the region and the costs of the region switch.

Eski bir gözcü (kovulmuş) ekleme

“Eski gözcü ekle” ibaresine tıklayıp eski gözcünüzü Youthclub'a ekleyebilirsiniz. Gözcünün adını, bölgesini, işe alındığı ve kovulduğu tarihleri girebilirsiniz.

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