hattrick youthclub


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en:hy:scouts [2014/08/31 13:28] Mackshoten:hy:scouts [2019/03/12 09:50] (current) – [Gözcüler] Goko84
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 ====== Scouts ====== ====== Scouts ======
-We can fetch the current (region) information of your active scouts via CHPP. By clicking on a scout's name, you can get a list of all regions where the scout has scouted for players. There you can also edit the regions, can add or edit a region switch, and edit the firing date for the scouts 
 +We can fetch the current (region) information of your active scouts via CHPP. By clicking on a scout's name, you can get a list of all regions where the scout has scouted for players. There you can also edit the regions, can add or edit a region switch, and edit the firing date for the scouts.
 ===== Editing scouts and their regions ===== ===== Editing scouts and their regions =====
 A region switch is detected during a sync, so use the sync to insert a region switch and do not use edit the (old) region. A region switch is detected during a sync, so use the sync to insert a region switch and do not use edit the (old) region.
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 If there is a former region switche which is not listed in HY then you can insert it manually by clicking on the add-button {{:add.png|add}} and entering the date, the region and the costs of the region switch. If there is a former region switche which is not listed in HY then you can insert it manually by clicking on the add-button {{:add.png|add}} and entering the date, the region and the costs of the region switch.
-===== Adding a former (already firedscout ===== +===== Eski bir gözcü (kovulmuşekleme ===== 
-By clicking on "Add former scoutyou can add former scouts to HYYou have to enter the namethe region and the date of hiring and firing.+"Eski gözcü ekleibaresine tıklayıp eski gözcünüzü Youthclub'a ekleyebilirsinizGözcünün adını, bölgesiniişe alındığı ve kovulduğu tarihleri girebilirsiniz.
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-<note tip>For the Manual click [[manual|here]]!</note>+<note tip>Kılavuz [[manual|burada]]!</note>
en/hy/scouts.1409484499.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/08/31 13:28 by Mackshot